Page Information
This page may not be updated with the latest papers, so if you want to see them, please refer to the following pages.
- Ye Tao, Yuze Jiang, Pengfei Lin, Manabu Tsukada, Hiroshi Esaki, "zk-PoT: Zero-Knowledge Proof of Traffic for Privacy Enabled Cooperative Perception", In: 2023 IEEE 20th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2023.
- Yukito Ueno, Ryo Nakamura, Yohei Kuga, Hiroshi Esaki, “A NIC-driven Architecture for High-speed IP Packet Forwarding on General-purpose Servers”, Journal of Information Processing, IPSJ(Information Processing Society Japan), 2022. (to be appeared)
- Yuwei Sun, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai, "Decentralized Deep Learning for Multi-Access Edge Computing: A Survey on Communication Efficiency and Trustworthiness, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, Vol. X, pp.xx-xx, - 2022 (accepted).
- Zeren Li, Lulu Zhang, Yunze Cai, Hideya Ochiai, "Sensor Selection for Maneuvering Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks with Uncertainty, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. X, pp.xx-xx, 2022 (accepted).
- Ei Ei Mon, Hideya Ochiai, Patrachart Komolkiti, Chaodit Aswakul, "Real-World Sensor Dataset for City Inbound-Outbound Critical Intersection Analysis, Scientific Data, Vol.9, No. 1, pp. 1-20, Nature Publishing, 2022.
- Sevvandi Kandanaarachchi, Hideya Ochiai, Asha Rao "Honeyboost: Boosting Honeypot Performance with Data Fusion and Anomaly Detection, ELSEVIER Journal on Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 201, 2022.
- Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai, "Homogeneous Learning: Self-Attention Decentralized Deep Learning, IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp.7695-7703, 2022.
- Khamxay Leevangtou, Hideya Ochiai, Chaodit Aswakul, "Application of Q-Learning in Routing of Software-Defined Wireless Mesh Network", IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.17, No.3, 2022.
- Yuwei Sun, Ng S.T. Chong, Hideya Ochiai, "Federated Phish Bowl: LSTM-Based Decentralized Phishing Email Detection", IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2022 (accepted).
- Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Jun Sakuma "Semi-Targeted Model Poisoning Attack on Federated Learning via Backward Error Analysis", IEEE WCCI/IJCNN, 2022 (accepted).
- Koki Fujita, Shugo Fujimura, Yuwei Sun, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai, "Federated Reinforcement Learning for the Building Facilities", IEEE International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems (COINS), 2022 (accepted).
- Shugo Fujimura, Koki Fujita, Yuwei Sun, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai, "A Flexible Distributed Building Simulator for Federated Reinforcement Learning", IEEE International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems (COINS), 2022 (accepted).
- Md Delwar Hossain, Hideya Ochiai, Tatsuya Arisawa, Youki Kadobayashi, "Smart Meter RS-485 Spoofing Attack Detection by LSTM Deep Learning Approach", IEEE Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS), 2022.
- Pawissakan Chirupphapa, Hiroshi Esaki and Hideya Ochiai, "Feature Extraction Pipeline and Analysis of Suspicious Events in Large-Scale LANs for Cyberattack Categorization", ACM International Conference on Big Data Engineering (BDE), 2022.
Pengfei Lin, Ying Shuai Quan, Jin Ho Yang, Chung Choo Chung, Manabu Tsukada, "Safety Tunnel-Based Model Predictive Path-Planning Controller with Potential Functions for Emergency Navigation", In: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022.
Pengfei Lin, Ying Shuai Quan, Jin Ho Yang, Chung Choo Chung, Manabu Tsukada, "Safety Tunnel-Based Model Predictive Path-Planning Controller with Potential Functions for Emergency Navigation", In: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022.
- 塚田学, "[招待講演]メタバースのためのメディア相互運用基盤", Archi Future 2022, 東京・有明 TFTホール, 28.10.2022.
- Hidetaka Masuda, Oussama El Marai, Manabu Tsukada, Tarik Taleb, Hiroshi Esaki, "Feature-based Vehicle Identification Framework for Optimization of Collective Perception Messages in Vehicular Networks", In: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022, ISBN: 0018-9545
- Akihiro Kiuchi, Taishi Eguchi, Jun Rekimoto, Manabu Tsukada, Hiroshi Esaki, "ZIGEN: A Windowing System Enabling Multitasking Among 3D and 2D Applications in Immersive Environments", ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Posters, 2022.Miscellaneous |
- 塚田学 , "協調型自動運転に向けた通信技術とその展望", In: 技術情報協会, 自動運転車に向けた電子機器・部品の開発と制御技術, 2022, ISBN: 978-4-86104-884-5.Book
- Pengfei Lin, Manabu Tsukada, "Cooperative Path Planning Using Responsibility-Sensitive Safety (RSS)-based Potential Field with Sigmoid Curve", In: The 2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Spring), Helsinki, Finland, 2022.
- Pengfei Lin, Manabu Tsukada, "Adaptive Potential Field with Collision Avoidance for Connected Autonomous Vehicles", In: 13th Asian Control Conference (ASCC) 2022, Jeju, Korea, 2022.Inproceedings |
- Pengfei Lin, Manabu Tsukada , "Model Predictive Path-Planning Controller with Potential Function for Emergency Collision Avoidance on Highway Driving", In: Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) with IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) option, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 4662-4669, 2022, ISBN: 2377-3766.
- Pei‑Chun Lin, Benjamin Yankson, Vishal Chauhan, Manabu Tsukada, "Building a speech recognition system with privacy identification information based on Google Voice for social robots", In: The Journal of Supercomputing, 2022, ISBN: 1573-0484.
- Manabu Tsukada, Shimpei Arii, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, "Misbehavior Detection Using Collective Perception under Privacy Considerations", In: 2022 IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Online, 2022.
- Yuwei Sun, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai, "Adaptive Intrusion Detection in the Networking of Large-Scale LANs With Segmented Federated Learning", IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, Vol.2, pp.102-112, 2021.
- Md Delwar Hossain, Hiroyuki Inoue, Hideya Ochiai, Doudou Fall, Youki Kadobayashi, "LSTM-Based Intrusion Detection System for In-Vehicle Can Bus Communications." IEEE Access Volume 8, 2020: 185489-185502.
- Yuyi Cai, Manabu Tsukada, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, "MAC Address Randomization Tolerant Crowd Monitoring System using Wi-Fi Packet", ACM AINTEC, 2021.
- Meatasit Karakate, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai, "SDNHive: A Proof-of-Concept SDN and Honeypot System for Defending Against Internal Threats", ACM International Conference on Communication and Network Security (ICCNS), 2021.
- Shimpei Arii, Manabu Tsukada, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, "Misbehavior Detection Using Collective Perception under Privacy Considerations", IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 2021.
- Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, "Suspicious ARP Activity Detection and Clustering Based on Autoencoder Neural Networks", IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 2021.
- Yuwei Sun, Ng S.T. Chong, Hideya Ochiai. "Information Stealing in Federated Learning Systems Based on Generative Adversarial Networks", IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). Melbourne, Australia. - October 2021.
- Yuwei Sun, Ng S.T. Chong, Hideya Ochiai. "Network Flows-Based Malware Detection Using a Combined Approach of Crawling and Deep Learning" IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, Canada. June 2021.
- Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki. "Intrusion Measurement and Detection in LAN Using Protocol-Wise Associative Memory" 3rd International Conference on AI in information and communication (ICAIIC)", Jeju Island, Korea. - April 2021.
- Pawissakan Chirupphapa, Hiroshi Esaki and Hideya Ochiai, "INTAP: Integrated Network Traffic Analysis Pipeline for LAN Monitoring System", IEEE International Conference on Information Management (ICIM), 2021.
- Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki. "Deep Learning-Based Anomaly Detection in LAN from Raw Network Traffic Measurement", IEEE International Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), March 2021.
- Norrathep Rattanavipanon; Donlapark Ponnoprat; Hideya Ochiai; Kuljaree Tantayakul; Touchai Angchuan, Sinchai Kamolphiwong, "Releasing ARP Data with Differential Privacy Guarantees For LAN Anomaly Detection", IEEE ECTI-CON, 2021.
- Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki. "Multi-Type Malware Detection in A Real-World Network Using Raw Network Traffic" IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. January 2021.
- Ei Ei Mon, Hideya Ochiai, Chaiyachet Saivichit, Chaodit Aswakul, "Bottleneck Based Gridlock Prediction in Urban Road Network Using Long Short-Term Memory", MDPI Journal of Electronics on Electrical and Autonomous Vehicles, Vol.- 9, No. 9 pp.1412, 2020.
- Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki. "Blockchain-Based Federated Learning Against End-Point Adversarial Data Corruption" 19thIEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), Miami, Florida, United States. December 2020.
- Zhiqing Zhang, Pawissakan Chirupphapa, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai, "XGBoosted Misuse Detection in LAN-Internal Traffic Dataset", IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 2020.
- Md Delwar Hossain, Hiroyuki Inoue, Hideya Ochiai, Doudou Fall, Youki Kadobayashi, "An Effective In-Vehicle CAN Bus Intrusion Detection System Using CNN Deep Learning Approach", IEEE Globecom, 2020.
- Rikura Furuta, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, "Mitigating Privacy Leak by Injecting Unique Noise into the Traffic of Smart Speakers"", IEEE SMARTCOMP BITS, 2020.
- Md Delwar Hossain, Hideya Ochiai, Doudou Fall, Youki Kadobayashi, "LSTM-based Network Attack Detection: Performance Comparison by Hyper-parameter Values Tuning", IEEE CSCloud/EdgeCom, 2020.
- Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki. "Intrusion Detection with Segmented Federated Learning for Large-Scale Multiple LANs", IEEE WCCI/IJCNN, 2020.
- Md Delwar Hossain, Hiroyuki Inoue, Hideya Ochiai, Doudou Fall, Youki Kadobayashi, "Long Short-Term Memory-based Intrusion Detection System for In-Vehicle Controller Area Network Bus", IEEE COMPSAC, 2020.
- Sheng Gong, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, ""Scan-based Self Anomaly Detection: Client-side Mitigation of Channel-based Man-in-the-Middle Attacks against Wi-Fi", IEEE COMPSAC NETSAP, 2020.
- Md Delwar Hossain, Hideya Ochiai, Doudou Fall, Youki Kadobayashi, "SSH and FTP Brute Force Attacks Detection in Computer Networks: LSTM and Machine Learning Approaches", IEEE ICCCS, 2020.
- Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai, "Trajectory Optimization for An Autonomous Vehicle Driving across Stochastic Traffic Flows based on Direct Collocation", IEEE International Conference on Control Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD), 2020.
- Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki. "Visual Analytics for Anomaly Classification in LAN Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network", IEEE International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV), 2020.
- Yuwei Sun, Ng S. T. Chong, Hideya Ochiai. "Text-based Malicious Domain Names Detection Based on Variational Autoencoder And Supervised Learning.", IEEE International Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS). 2020.
- Ying Luo, Zhiqing Zhang, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai,“Classification of TCP 445 Attacks and Global Snapshot with Honeypot Analysis”, IEEE ICAIT, Yangon, Myanmar, November, 2019.
- Yuwei Sun, Nagul Cooharojananone, Hideya Ochiai,“Aircraft Detection Based on Saliency Map and Convolution Neural Network”, IEEE ICSEC, Phuket, Thailand, October, 2019.
- Yuwei Sun, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai,“Detection and Classification of Network Events in LAN using CNN”, IEEE InCIT, Bangkok, Thailand, October, 2019.
- Zhiqing Zhang, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai,“Unveiling Malicious Activities in LAN with Honeypot”, IEEE InCIT, Bangkok, Thailand, October, 2019.
- Hyuga Kobayashi, Zhiqing Zhang, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai,“Probing Firewalls of Malware-Infected Networks with Honeypot”, ACM CFI, Phuket, Thailand, August, 2019.
- Zhiqing Zhang, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai,“Analysis of Malware Hidden Behind Firewalls with Back Scans”, IEEE International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security, Barcelos, Portugal, June, 2019.
- Ei Ei Mon, Hideya Ochiai, Chaiyachet Saivichit and Chaodit Aswakul, "Recurrent and Non-recurrent Congestion Based Gridlock Detection on Chula-SSS Urban Road Network", SUMO Conference, Berlin, May, 2019.
- Ei Ei Mon, Hideya Ochiai, Chaiyachet Saivichit and Chaodit Aswakul, "Traffic Anomaly Classification by Support Vector Machine with Radial Basis Function on Chula-SSS Urban Road Network", ICFCC, Yangon, February, 2019.
- Kai Matsufuji, S.Kobayashi, H.Esaki, H.Ochiai,“ARP Request Trend Fitting for Detecting Malicious Activity in LAN”, the 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (IMCOM 2019), Phuket, Thailand, January 2019.
- Porapat Ongkanchana, H.Esaki, H.Ochiai,“A Rule-based Algorithm of Finding Valid Hosts for IoT Device Using Its Network Traffic”, the 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (IMCOM 2019), Phuket, Thailand, January 2019.
- S.Limjitti, H.Ochiai, H.Esaki, K.Sripanidkulchai,“IoT-VuLock: Locking IoT Device Vulnerability with Enhanced Network Scans”, the 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (IMCOM 2019), Phuket, Thailand, January 2019.
- Mohd Saalim Jamal, Venkata Keerthy S, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, Kotaro Kataoka, “INSTRUCT: A Clustering Based Identification of Valid Communications in IoT Networks”, IEEE IoTSMS, pp. 228-233, October 2018.
- Hyuga Kobayashi, Hideya Ochiai and Hiroshi Esaki, "Visualizing Remote Network Reactions with Firewall Probe", IEEE VisSec (Poster), Berlin, Germany, October, 2018.
- Ajinkya Mulay, Hideya Ochiai and Hiroshi Esaki, "IoT WebSocket Connection Management Algorithm for Early Warning Earthquake Alert Applications", ACM/IEEE UCC, Austin, TX, USA, December, 2017.
- Hideya Ochiai, Zhiqing Zhang, Hiroto Kitamura and Hiroshi Esaki, "IR-XY-PV: Infrared Multihop Communication for XY-Coordinated PV Modules", ACM AINTEC, Bangkok, Thailand, November, 2017.
- Zhiqing Zhang, Hideya Ochiai and Hiroshi Esaki, "An IoT Application-Layer Protocol Modem: A Case Study on Interfacing IEEE1888 with AT Commands", IEEE CyberC, Nanjing, China, October, 2017.
- Masahiro Kitazawa, Manabu Tsukada, Kai Morino, Hideya Ochiai and Hiroshi Esaki, "Remote Proxy V2V Messaging using IPv6 and GeoNetworking", IARIA VEHICULAR, Nice, France, July, 2017.
- Yutaro Nomura, Romain Fontugne, Emile Aben, Hideya Ochiai and Hiroshi Esaki, "Detecting BGP Inconsistencies", ACM CFI (Poster), Fukuoka, Japan, June, 2017.
- 塚田,小川,池田,曽根,丹羽,齊藤,粕谷,砂原,江崎,”Software Defined Media: 視聴空間サービスのソフトウェア制御”, コンピュータソフトウェア科学会 学会誌「コンピュータ・ソフトウェア」, Vol.34, No.1, pp.78-99, 2017年3月. (to be appeared)
- 江崎浩,”Security 5.0の実現に向けたセキュリティーのあり方とエネルギー分野での展望”(Security for Society 5.0 Era and its Development in Energy Industry), 特集「エネルギーに関する情報セキュリティーの現状と対応」、エネルギー・資源学会「エネルギー・資源」, Vol.38, No.2, (通巻222号), pp.32-36, 2017年3月
- 池上洋行, 落合秀也, 塚田学, 新居英明, 江崎浩、"商用電源における電圧零交差点での電流制御による通信とパルス幅符号化", 電子情報通信学会 論文誌(通信), Vol.J99-B, No.7, pp.490-500, Jul. 2016。
- Hideya Ochiai and Hiroyuki Ikegami, "PPLC-PV: A Pulse Power Line Communication for Series-Connected PV Monitoring", IEEE SmartGridComm, Sydney, Australia, November, 2016.
- Tomoya Kitazato, Manabu Tsukada, Hideya Ochiai and Hiroshi Esaki, "Proxy Cooperative Awareness Message: An Infrastructure-Assisted V2V Messaging", IEEE ICMU, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2016.
- 江崎浩、砂原秀樹、”Live E! プロジェクト: 活動趣旨とその主な成果“、情報処理学会 学会誌 小特集「Live E! : ~活きた地球の環境情報~ディジタル環境情報の中で自律的な生成/流通/加工/共有に向けて」、Vol.58, No.3, 通巻624号、2016年3月号
- H.Ikegami, H.Ochiai, M.Tsukada, H.Nii, H.Esaki, “Z3C: Zero-Cross Communication with Pulse Width Coding Power Line (商用電源における電圧零交差点での電流制御による通信とパルス幅符号化)”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, 若手研究者のための創造的論文特集, Vol.J99-B, No.7, pp490-500, July 2016.
- 中村遼(R.Nakamura), 石原知洋(T.Ishihara), 関谷勇司(Y.Sekiya), 江崎浩(H.Esaki), “トンネリング技術を用いた汎用機器によるデータセンターマルチパスの実現(Multipathing in Commodity-based Data Center Networks with IP Tunneling )”, 日本ソフトウェア科学会(JSSST) 学会誌, 特集「ネットワーク技術」, Vol.33, No.3, pp.29-43, August 2016.
- R.Nakamura, K.Okada, Y.Sekiya, H.Esaki, “Common Data Plane for Multiple Overlay Networks”, Elsevier, The International Journal of Computer Networks, Special Issue on SDN, October 9, 2015
- I.Nakagawa, M.Hiji, H.Esaki, "Dripcast - architecture and implementation of server-less Java programming framework for billions of IoT devices", IPSJ Journal of Information Processing, Vol.23, No.4, pp.458-464, October 2015. .
- Hirochika Asai, K.Fukuda, P.Abry, P.Borgnat, H.Esaki, "Network Application Profiling with Traffic Causality Graphs", International Journal of Network Management, DOI: 10.1002/nem.1865, June 5, 2014
- Masato Yamanouchi, Hideya Ochiai, Satoshi Matsuura, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideki Sunahara, "Live E! project: A pervasive sensor networking", JSSST Journal, Vol.31, No.3, p.3_32-3-41, July, 2014.
- Kanae Matsui, Hideya Ochiai, Yoshiki Yamagata, "Feedback on electricity usage for home energy management: A social experiment in a local village of cold region",ELSEVIER Applied Energy, Vol. 120, pp. 159-168, May 2014.
- 江崎、落合, "Internet by Design」に基づいたスマートビル。スマートキャンパスの設計と実装 -IEEE1888を用いた実装・プラクティス・展開-", 情報処理学会 デジタル・プラクティス, Vol.5, No.3., July 2014
- 江崎、落合,"IEEE1888を用いたインターネット型オープンBEMS(Internet-based Open BEMS using IEEE1888)”、特集: エネルギー・資源に関する技術の標準化への取り組みとその適用、エネルギー・資源学会, Vol.35,No.5, pp.301-305, 2014年9月
- M.Yamanouchi, H.Ochiai, S.Matsuura, H.Esaki, H.Sunahara,”Live E!プロジェクト: 誰もが利用できるセンサネットワーキングを目指して(Live E! Project: A Pervative Sensor Networking)”, (in Japanese), コンピュータソフトウェア学会誌, [解説論文] 特集 ネットワーク技術, Vol.31, No.3, pp.32-41, 2014
- Yosuke Himura, Kensuke Fukuda, Kenjiro Cho, Pierre Borgnat, Patrice Abry, and Hiroshi Esaki, "Synoptic Graphlet: Bridging the Gap between Supervised and Unsupervised Profiling of Host-level Network Traffic", IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, Volume 21, Issue 4, pp.1284-1297, August 2013.
- Tri Trinh, Hiroshi Esaki, Chaodit Aswakul, "Dynamic Virtual Network Allocation for OpenFlow Based Cloud Resident Data Center", IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E96-B, No.1, pp.56-64, January 2013
- Y.Kanaumi, S.Saito, E.Kawai, S.Ishii, K.Kobayashi, S.Shimojo,"RISE: A Wide-area Hybrid OpenFlow Network Testbed", IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E96-B, No.1, pp.108-118, January 2013.
- Hideya Ociai, Yusuke Doi, Hiroshi Esaki, "CA-EXI: Context-Aware Efficient XML Interchange for IEEE1888 Message Compression" (CA-EXI:運用コン テキストとEXI符号化を用いたIEEE1888メッセージ圧縮手法), , IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.J96-B, No.10, pp.1104-1113, October 2013. 落合、井上、寺西、江崎, "IEEE1888 通信スタックの組み込み向け軽量実装", 情報処理学会 論文誌、Vol.54, No.7, pp.1849-1860, 2013年7月.
- Hirochika Asai, Kensuke Fukuda, Hiroshi Esaki, "DNS検索グラフによるIPv4/IPv6トランスポートを考慮 したDNS移譲構造の分析(A Graph-based Analysis on DNS Delegation Relationships in IPv4 and IPv6 Coexisting Internet)", コンピュータソフトウェア学会、学会誌 コンピュータソフトウェア、ネットワーク技術特集号、Vol.30, No.2, pp.135-146, 2013年8月
- T.Asami, H.Esaki, Y.Sekiya, K.Saito, T.Yamashita, G.Iwqanami, "P2Pのこれまでとこれから -ネットワーク高度利用推進協議会の歴史とともに-(Promotion towards Commercial P2P in Japan)", (in Japanese), IEICE Journal, Vol.95, No.9, pp.809-814, September 2012.
- Hirochika Asai, Hiroshi Esaki, "AS規模定量化によるAS間接続関係の推定 - Estimation and Evaluation of AS Topologies in the Internet using the Scale Information of ASes ", JSSST Journal Computer Software, Vol.29, No.2, pp.95-108, April, 2012.
- Hideya Ochiai, Hiroki Ishizuka, Yuya Kawakami, Hiroshi Esaki, "A DTN-Based Sensor Data Gathering in Agricultural Applications", Invited Paper, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.11, No.11, pp.2861-2868, November 2011
- Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai, "The Green University of Tokyo Project", (in Japanese), Invited Paper, IEICE Trasactions on Communications, Special Issue on スマートな社会を支えるインターネットアーキテクチャ特集, Vol.J94-B, No.10, pp.1225-1231, October 2011.
- Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai, "ICT System Architecture for Smart Grid (スマートグリッドを支えるICTシステムアーキテクチャ)", IEICE Journal, Vol.94, No.5, pp.391-395, May 2011. (in Japanese)
- Yosuke Himura, Kensuke Fukuda, Kenjiro Cho, and Hiroshi Esaki, "Characterization of Host-Level Application Traffic with Multi-Scale Gamma Model", IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications, Vol.E93-B No.11 pp.3048-3057, November 2010.
- Yosuke Himura, Kensuke Fukuda, Kenjiro Cho, and Hiroshi Esaki, "An Evaluation of Automatic Parameter Tuning of a Statistics-based Anomaly Detection Algorithm," International Journal on Network Management, Special Issue of on Traffic Monitoring and Network Measurements: from Theory to Practice, Wiley InterScience, (, Vol.20, Isuse 5, pp.295-316, August 2010
- Guillaume Dewaele, Yosuke Himura, Pierre Borgnat, Kensuke Fukuda, Patrice Abry, Olivier Michel, Romain Fontugne, Kenjiro Cho, Hiroshi Esaki, "Unsupervised host behavior classification from connection patterns," International Journal on Network Management, Special Issue on Traffic Monitoring and Network Measurements: from Theory to Practice, (, Vol.20, Isuse 5, pp.317-337, August 2010.
- Hiroshi ESAKI, "A Consideration on R&D Direction for Future Internet Architecture"(other link), Special Issue on Next Generation Networks (NGNs), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (IJCS), Vol.23, Issue 6-7, pp.694-707, April 2010
- K.Fukuda, K.Cho, H.Esaki, A.Kato,"国内ブロードバンドトラヒックの動向(An Analysis of Residential Broadand Traffic in Japan)", IEICE Journal, Vol.23, No.4, pp.276-279, April 2010. (In Japanese) 江崎、”メ ディアとネットワーク”、 映像情報メディア学会誌2010年1月号 「学会創立60周年記念特集」(映像情報メディアの未来ビジョン)、 3.4、2010年1月
- Hideya Ochiai and Hiroshi Esaki, "Topology Change Tolerant Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks", (in Japanese), IPSJ Journal, Vol. 50, No.9, pp.2312-2326, September, 2009
- S. Carrilho, H. Esaki, "A Pub/Sub Message Distribution Architecture for Disruption Tolerant Networks", IEICE Special Section of Transactions on Information and Systems, October 2009 (tobe appeared)
- S. Fujita, K. Shima, Y. Uo, H. Esaki, "A Decentralized VPN Service over Generalized Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks", IEICE Special Section of Transactions on Information and Systems, October 2009 (tobe appeared)
- H.Esaki, "我 が国のインターネットトラヒックの実態 から見たネット中立性に関する問題点の考察(A Consideration of Network Neutrality from the View Point of Internet Traffic Analysis)", IEICE Network Society Magazine 小特集 『インターネットの経済学』、pp.29-38, June 2009
- H.Ochiai, S.Kimura, S.Matsuura, H.Sunahara, H.Fukuhara and H.Esaki, "Content-Based Networkにおけるデータ処理コンポーネント最適配置問題", in Japanese, IPSJ Technical Report, IPSJ_DPS139-12, Shizuoka, Japan, June, 2009.
- H. Ochiai, S. Matsuura, H. Sunahara, M. Nakayama, H. Esaki, "Operating Architecture and Multi-Attribute Search for Wide Area Sensor Networks", (in Japanese), IEICE Transaction on Communications, Vol.J91-B No.10.pp.1160-1170, October 2008
- K. Yoshida, Y. Fujii, Y. Kikuchi, M. Yamamoto, K. Nagami, I. Nakagawa, H. Esaki, "A Trend Analysis of Latency and Packet Loss in Broadband Internet Environment through End Customers’ View", IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.J91-B,No.10, pp.1182-1192, October 2008
- H. Ochiai, H. Esaki, "Networked GPIO Control by High-Level Languages and Protocol Translator", (in Japanese), Journal fo IPSJ, Vol.49 No.10, pp.3451-3461, October 2008
- 江崎, 宮田, "IPv6システムの相互接続性の確立戦略", 情報処理学会 会誌, vol.49, No.3, pp.237-243, 2008年3月
- 砂原, 江崎, "アプリケーションIP化とIPバージョン6", 情報処理学会 会誌, vol.49, No.3, pp.251-256, 2008年3月
- 松島,中川,永見,菊池,江崎,"産学連携による"MPLS-IX"アーキテクチャの研究と実用化", 情報処理学会論文誌,pp.721-732, Vol.48, No.2, 2007年2月
- M. Nakayama, S. Matsuura, H. Esaki and H. Sunahara, "Live E! Project: Sensing the Earth", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, ISSN 0302-9743, Volume 4311/2006, Technologies for Advanced Heterogeneous Networks II, pp. 61-74, December 2006
- N.Okabe, S.Sakane, K.Miyazawa, K.Kamada, M.Ishiyama, A.Inoue, H.Esaki, "Implementing a Secure Autonomous Bootstrap Mechanism for Control Networks", IEICE Trans. on Info & Sys, Vol.E89-D, No.12, pp.2822-2830, Dec. 2006
- K.Fukuda, K.Cho, H.Esaki, "The Impact of Residential Broadband Traffic on Japanese ISP backbones", ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review CCR Special Section on Measuring the Internet s Vital Statistics, Jan.2005
- 江崎, "インターネット技術を用いたオープン環境情報共有システムの構築-Live E!:ディジタル百葉箱による自立的な気象データの共有と応用-", 日本建築学会会誌, 2005年10月
- H.Yoshifuji, K.Miyazawa, M.Nakamura, Y.Sekiya, H.Esaki, J.Murai, "Linux IPv6 Stack Implementation Based on Serialized Data State Processing", IEICE Trans. on Comm. Special Issue on Internet Technology IV, pp.429-436, Vol.E87-B, No.3, March 2004
- M. Tatipamula, P. Grossetete, H. Esaki, "IPv6 Integration and Coexistence Strategies for Next-Generation Networks", IEEE Communications Magazine, pp.88-96, Vol.42, No.1, January 2004
- Z.Uda, N.Ogashiwa, K.Nagami, K.Kondo, I.Nakagawa, Y.Shinoda, H.Esaki, "A New Multi-Homing Architectiure based on Overlay Network (in japanese)", IEICE tracsaction on communications, Vol.J87-B No.10 pp.1564-1573, October 2004
- 長橋, 江崎, "インターネットルーチングレジストリにおける経路整合度の評価に関する研究", 電子情報通信学会 和文論文誌D-1, pp.553-560, Vol.J87-D1, No.5, 2004年5月
- 勝野, 山崎, 浅見, 江崎, "L2 Over MPLSの品質評価", 電子情報通信学会 和文論文誌D-1, pp.526-535, Vol.J87-D1, No.5, 2004年5月
- S.Katsuno, K.Yamazaki, T.Asami, H.Esaki, "Performance Evaluatin of Layer 2 over MPLS (in japanese)", IEICE Transactions on Information Systems, Vol.J87-D1 No.5 p.526, May 2004
- Kengo Nagahashi, Hiroshi Esaki, "A Research on the Routing Consistency in Internet Routing Registry (in japanese)", IEICE Transactions on Information Systems, Vol.J87-D1 No.5 p.553, May 2004
- T.Ishihara, T.Kusudam K.Nagami, I.Nakagawa, Y.Kikuchi, H.Esaki, "A Consideration of IX Architecture Using MPLS Based on Router Performance and QoS Requirements", IEICE Trans. on Comm. Special Issue on Internet Technology III, p.498-505, Vol.E86-B, No.2, February 2003
- T.Jinmei, K.Yamamoto, J.Hagino, S.Sakane, H.Esaki, J.Murai, "The IPv6 Software Platform for BSD", IEICE Trans. on Comm. Special Issue on Internet Technology III, pp.464-471, Vol.E86-B, No.2, February 2003 K.Nagahashi, H.Esaki, J.Murai, "An Integrity Check for the Conflict Origin AS Prefixes in the Inter-domain Routing", IEICE Trans. on Comm. Special Issue on Internet Technology III, pp.526-533, Vol.E86-B No.2, February 2003
- S.Katsuno, K.Sugauchi. O.Tsunehiro, K.Yamazaki, K.Yoshida, H.Esaki, "A Symmetric Characteristics of Internet Based on Traffic Measurement and Analysis", IEICE Trans. on Information Systems, pp.2300-2309, Vol.E86-D No.11, November 2003
- Tatuya Jinmei, Atsushi Onoe, Kazuhiko Yamamoto, Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino, Hiroshi Esaki, Jun Murai, "A method of processing inbound IP packets with a routing table (in japanese)", Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part I: Communications), Volume 86, Issue 9, pp 1-8, September 2003
- S.Katsuno, K.Yamazaki, T.Kubo, T.Asami, K.Sugauchi, O.Tsunehiro, H.Enomoto, K.Yoshida, H.Esaki, "High-Speed IP Meter HIM and Its Application in LAN/WAN Envireonment", IEICE Trans. on Information Systems, pp.1241-1249, Vol.E85-D No.8, August 2002
- 中川, 江崎, 菊池, 永見, "MPLSを用いた広域分散IXの実現", 情報処理学会ジャーナル, e-Japan時代のインターネット/分散システムの構築・運用技術小特集, pp.3519-3529, Vol.43, No.11, 2002年11月
- 小林, 勝野, 中村, 美甘, 林, 町澤, 北辻, 江崎, "JGN IPv6ネットワーク", 電子情報通信学会和文論文誌B インターネット技術小特集, pp.1156-1163, Vol.J85-B, No.8, 2002年3月
- 吉藤, 神田, 高宮, 関谷, 江崎, 村井, "USAGIプロジェクトによるIPv6基本ソフトウェアの開発", 電子情報通信学会和文論文誌B インターネット技術小特集, pp.1339-1345, Vol.J85-B, No.8, 2002年8月
- 神明, 尾上, 山本, 萩野, 江崎, 村井, "経路表を利用したIPパケット受信処理", 電子情報通信学会和文論文誌B インターネット技術小特集, pp.1331-1337, Vol.J85-B No.8, 2002年8月
- 勝野, 浅見, 江崎, "IPバージョン6を用いたディジタルビデオ映像の転送", 電子情報通信学会和文論文誌B インターネット技術小特集, pp.1323-1328, Vol.J85-B, No.8, 2002年8月
- I.Nakagawa, H.Esaki Y.Kikuchi, K.Nagami, "Design of Next Generation IX Using MPLS Technology", 情報処理学会ジャーナル, Special Issue of Selected Papers from SAINT2002, pp.3280-3290, Vol.43, No.11, 2002年11月
- 江崎, 加藤, 村井, 宮原, "JBプロジェクト", 情報処理学会 学会誌, Vol.43, No.11, 2002年11月
- 中川, 江崎, 菊池, 永見, "MPLSを用いた広域分散IXの実証実験", 情報処理学会 学会誌, Vol.43, No.11, 2002年11月
- 小林, 勝野, 美甘, 江崎, "JGN IPv6ネットワーク", 情報処理学会 学会誌, Vol.43, No.11, 2002年11月
- 江崎, "インターネットの将来像", 電子情報通信学会誌, 解説論文, Vol.85, No.2 2002年2月
- Masahiro Ishiyama, Mitsunobu Kunishi, Keisuke Uehara, Hiroshi Esaki, Fumio Teraoka, "LINA: A New Approach to Mobility Support in Wide Area Networks", IEICE transactions on communications, pp.2076-2086, Vol.E84-B No.8, Aug.2001
- Naoto Morishima, A.Ogawa, Hiroshi Esaki, O.Nakamura, S.Yamaguchi, J.Murai, "Preliminary Field-Trial for QoS Routing and Dynamic SLA", IEICE transactions on communications, pp.2039-2046, Vol.E84-B No.8, Aug.2001
- 江崎, "インターネットシステムの現状と将来", レーザ研究, IT産業とレーザ技術特集号, pp.488-494, Vol.29. No.8, 2001年8月
- 中川, 林, 高橋, 江崎 "次世代インターネットイクスチェンジの技術動向", 情報処理学会 学会誌 技術解説論文, Vol.42, No.7, 2001年7月
- 江崎, "次世代インターネットが拓く21世紀", KAST (神奈川科学アカデミー) Report, 平成12年度第2号(通巻33号), 2001年3月
- 江崎, "インターネットの将来像", 電子情報通信学会誌, 技術解説論文, 2001年2月
- 永見, 松沢, 茂木, 伊瀬, 勝部, 江崎, "ラベルスイッチ技術のマルチキャストへの拡張と評価", 電子情報通信学会 和文論文誌B, pp.1712-1720, Vol.J83-B, No.12, 2000年12月 o
- 神明, 山本, 萩野, 江崎, 村井, "KAMEプロジェクトによるIPv6基本ソフトウェア開発", 情報処理学会誌41巻12号, pp.1367-1372, 2000年12- 月
- 江崎, "IPv6技術の動向と広域実験状況", 電子情報通信学会 学会誌, Vol.83, No.4, pp.280-285, 2000年4月
- 江崎, "IETFって何?", 情報処理学会誌, 41巻4号, 2000年4月
- K.Nagami, H.Esaki, Y.Katsube, O.Nakamura, "Aggregated Traffic-Driven Label Mapping in Label Switching Network", IEEE JSAC (Journals on Selected Area in Communications), pp.1170-1177, Vol.17, No.6, June 1999
- K.Nagami, H.Esaki, N.Demizu, " VCID Notification for Label Switching", IEICE Transactions on Information & Systems, Special Issue on Internet Technology and its Applications, pp.863-869, Vol.E82-D, No.4, April 1999
- K.Kanai, K.Tsunoda, S.Matsuzawa, H.Esaki, "Forward Error Correction Control on AAL 5: FEC-SSCS", IEICE Transactions on Communications, pp.1821-1830, Vol.E81-B, No.10, October, 1998
- K.Nagami, Y.Katsube, Y.Shobatake, A.Mogi, S.Matsuzawa, T.Jinmei, H.Esaki, "Flow Attribute Notification Protocol (FANP) for Label Switching", IEICE Transactions on Communications, pp.1811-1821, Vol.E81-B, No.10, October, 1998
- Y.Katsube, K.Nagami, S.Matsuzawa, Hiroshi Esaki, "Internetworking Based on Cell Switch Router -Architecture and Protocol Overview-", pp.1998-2006, Proceedings of the IEEE, December 1997
- S.Matsuzawa, K.Nagami, A.Nogi, T.Jinmei, Y.Katsube, H.Esaki, "Architecture of Cell Switch Router and Prototype System Implementation", IEICE Transactions on Communications, pp.1227-1239, Vol.E78-B, No.8, August 1997
- Katsumi Yamato, Hiroshi Esaki : "Congestion Control for ABR Service Based on Dynamic UPC/NPC", IEICE Transactions on Communications, pp.142-152, Vol.E79-B, No.3, March, 1996
- Hiroshi Esaki, Takeo Fukuda : "Reliable IP Multicast Communication Over ATM Networks Using Forward Error Correction Policy", IEICE Transactions on Communications, pp.1622-1628, Vol.E78-B, No.11, November, 1995
- Hiroshi Esaki, Masataka Ohta, Ken-ichi Nagami: "High Speed Datagram Delivery over Internet using ATM Technology", IEICE Transactions on Communications, pp.1208-1218, Vol.E78-B, No.8, August, 1995
- Hiroshi Esaki, Yoshiyuki Tsuda, Kumiko Kanai: "Evaluation of High Speed Multimedia Communication Architecture in ATM Networks", IEICE Transactions on Communications, Special Issue on Distributed Architecture for Next Generation Communication Networks, pp.1407-1419, Vol.E77-B, No.11, November 1994
- Hiroshi Esaki, Yoshiyuki Tsuda, Takeshi Saito, Shigeyasu Natsubori: "Datagram Delivery in an ATM-Internet", IEICE Transactions on Communications, Special Issues on Future Private Networks, pp.314-326, Vol.E77-B, No.3, March, 1994
- Hiroshi Esaki, Kazuaki Iwamura, Toshikazu Kodama, Takeo Fukuda, "Connection Admission Control in ATM Networks", IEICE Transactions on Communications, pp.15-27, Vol.E77-B, No.1, January, 1994